
Why You Should Choose An Independent Financial Coach

Being in the financial industry for over 10 years, I have moved on as a leader in an Independent Financial Advisory firm.

April 25, 2022

Insurance and investment can be a complicated purchase. You are not buying bread or milk. You are buying a promise of protection that could potentially make or break your financial well-being. How do you know that you are making the right choices about coverage? Are you sure you are getting the best possible value for your dollar? The options can seem bewildering.

Being in the financial industry for over 10 years, I have the privilege to work as a tied agent with two large insurers, an associate in a subsidiary FA firm, before making the final decision to move on as a leader in an Independent Financial Advisory firm.

Your Choice

A tied agent is a financial adviser representative of an insurance company. They can only market the products from the company they represent. Which means that they will always advise and sell you insurance and investment products offered by the company they represent.

Consumers should be on high guard whenever an agent tries passing off their company’s products as superior to others, by comparing it favorably to other similar insurance products in the market. Because every product has its strengths and weaknesses. In my opinion, there is no bad product, only product which is unsuitable for the customer at that stage of life.

Some insurance companies have also set up wholly-owned Financial Advisory (FA) subsidiary firms. Agents of these FA firms can distribute products from multiple insurance companies, although they are known to be better remunerated when they sell products issued by their parent company. Even though these FA firms offer their clients a wider range of products from more than one insurance company, it does not make the FA firm necessarily superior to tied agents. This is because agents representing these FA firms will be consciously (or sub-consciously) promoting their parent company's product over other companies' products and their range of products from companies are usually quite limited.

On the other hand, independent agents represent many different insurance companies that offer a wide variety of coverage options and price points. In fact, we represent more than 10 Life Insurance companies, and more than 30 General Insurance companies. There is no need for you to accept one quote from one company, and there is no need for you to spend time filling out many different online applications to get your own quote comparisons. With our connections and our knowledge of the market, we can often find a better value for your insurance dollar than you might find searching on your own. We do the shopping. You do the saving. We will find for you the right coverage at the right price.

To make good decisions, you need good choices. If you cannot find them, you cannot make a good decision. The good news is that the choices are available now - through an Independent Financial Coach and Advisor.

Your Interest

As an Independent Financial Coach and Advisor, I will not only find you competitive pricing for your insurance and investment products, I also want to build relationships that last. I build a strong understanding of my clients’ situations in the long run and forge deeper, personal relationships with my clients. This often leads to a relationship that is more responsive, attentive and personal.

Working with you online and offline, face-to-face conversation and virtual meetup, I become more than your personal advisor, taking the time to listen to you and understand your individual needs. It is not just about finding a price you can afford; it is also about making certain you are appropriately covered so that you do not end up insurance-poor if you do suffer a loss. As it is once said by my mentor: Our job is not to make you rich, but to prevent you from ever being poor.

If you have a billing or claim concern, or need to change your coverage, I can be your advocate, working with the various companies on your behalf. I am not representing any companies. I am representing you. I am right around the corner, ready to help in times of need.

Your One Stop Solution

An Independent Financial Firm provide many different services, ranging from portfolio management to insurance and investment products. We are responsible for every aspect of our customer's financial life, from estate planning to tax planning to saving for retirement, and more.

No matter what are your financial needs, our team can often meet all of your needs with the companies we represent, providing auto, home, travel, and business coverage on top of your life and health insurance. You do not have to worry about the headache of finding a travel insurance when you travel. Or if you are starting a new venture and may be wondering what policies are needed. We will be there to help.

As a one stop solution that offers a multitude of products or services to our customers, all the requirements a client has can be carried out through us. Compared to visiting a separate institution for each area of need, this will save you a lot of time and effort.

One of the most important factors when choosing a coach and advisor is to be able to count on them in times of need. With my myriad of skills and experience, I am here to help you with your financial planning. I will go over your current insurance policies, evaluate your current insurance plan, and suggest new insurance options that can save you money and give you the peace of mind. I will periodically review your coverage and help you through all the changes in your life, whether you are going from renting an apartment to buying a home, starting a business, getting married, renovating your home, or adding a little one to your family.

Speak to me now for a non obligatory consultation and make a better decision.

Junwen Chen

My mission is to educate and empower people to design their lives so that they can live in abundance.

Let me partner with you, to design and nurture your dreams and ultimate life goals.

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